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volcano eruption

Made it through Armageddon 2020

Reading this article, you may find it to be slightly depressing, but I promise a light at the tunnel’s end. Prologue We can all agree that 2020 is one of the weirdest years ever, right? Before the 2020...


Memorandum of Understanding Announcement

We are pleased to announce that the Atheneum Blockchain has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with KRATE Distributed Information Systems Incorporated, or simply known as KRATE. KRATE is building a d...

Atheneum Team - Interviews

Atheneum Alpha Release. Yes, it’s here and on time.

 The digital asset industry, better known as the cryptocurrency industry is not renowned for sticking to release dates and various other deadlines. Rather, many projects resort to hype and pomp. Building excite...

Atheneum Team - Interviews

We’re the Iceberg: Why Atheneum Will Succeed

-by Marshall Clark | CEO, Atheneum “We always see the point of an iceberg. So I’ve always accepted the idea that people — they don’t necessarily know everything I am. “— Olivier Theyskens Forewar...

Atheneum Team - Interviews

What The Future Looks Like And How Blockchain Runs It

-by Brian E. De Mint | CMO, Atheneum You will know blockchain has “made it” when no one realizes they are even using it. Does the average internet user realize that Transmission Control Protocol/Internet P...

Atheneum Team - Interviews

A Chat With Atheneum’s CTO [Part 2]

In Part 1 of my chat with Atheneum’s Chief Technology Officer, Christopher Black, we discussed the early days of the project and where he sees the project going.  Today’s article will focus on one of his m...