Atheneum Team - Interviews

Help Build The Future of Atheneum and Earn $AEM


Help build the future of crypto and make your mark in the history of blockchain. Atheneum, a first mover in the education-centric blockchain space and the world’s first DALO, is hosting a wallet theme design contest. Not only will you be able to help build the future of the project and play a role in the evolution of education as we know it, you will also be able to win some cold hard $AEM. Your wallet theme could even be selected as an official option for all Atheneum users worldwide!

Timeline : Contest begins April 1, 2019 and ends April 30, 2019.


  • 1st place : 5,000 $AEM + Atheneum t-shirt + Official Wallet Theme
  • 2nd place : 2,500 $AEM + Atheneum t-shirt + Official Wallet Theme
  • 3rd place : 1,000 $AEM + Atheneum t-shirt + Official Wallet Theme
  • 4th-7th place : 250 $AEM each
  • 8th-10th place : 150 $AEM each

For those interested in entering, there are obviously some more technical details to consider. For the full list of that information, plus rules, please check out our Github repo:

And if you’re just interested in finding out more about Atheneum, check out our Whitepaper at: We think that once you understand the vision for Atheneum, you will realize how important this project truly is to balancing the scales of education.

Last but certainly not least, you can catch a chat with Atheneum’s CEO on YouTube here: